1. the elastic, invisible mixture of gases (chiefly nitrogen and oxygen, as well as hydrogen, carbon dioxide, argon, neon, helium, etc.) that surrounds the earth; atmosphere
2. space above the earth; sky
- a movement of air; breeze; wind
- cool, refreshing air; fresh air
1.a transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid, a compound of hydrogen andoxygen, H 2 O, freezing at 32°F or 0°C and boiling at 212°F or 100°C,that in a more or less impure state constitutes rain, oceans, lakes,rivers, etc.: it contains 11.188 percent hydrogen and 88.812 percentoxygen, by weight.
2.a special form or variety of this liquid, as rain.
3.Often, waters. this liquid in an impure state as obtained from amineral spring:
Last year we went to Marienbad for the waters.
4.the liquid content of a river, inlet, etc., with reference to its relativeheight, especially as dependent on tide:
a difference of 20 feet between high and low water.
5.the surface of a stream, river, lake, ocean, etc.:
above, below, or on the water.
- flowing water, or water moving in waves:
The river's mighty waters.
- the sea or seas bordering a particular country or continent or locatedin a particular part of the world:
We left San Diego and sailed south for Mexican waters.
7.a liquid solution or preparation, especially one used for cosmeticpurposes:
lavender water; lemon water
1.having three dimensions (length, breadth, and thickness), as ageometrical body or figure.
2.of or relating to bodies or figures of three dimensions.
3.having the interior completely filled up, free from cavities, or nothollow:
a solid piece of chocolate.
4.without openings or breaks:
a solid wall.
5.firm, hard, or compact in substance:
solid ground.
6.having relative firmness, coherence of particles, or persistence of form,as matter that is not liquid or gaseous:
solid particles suspended in a liquid.
7.pertaining to such matter:
Water in a solid state is ice.
The Aquatic Living System